Welcome to Crash The Pond!

Welcome to Crash the Pond, a site dedicated to providing die-hard Ducks fans with the most complete coverage and analysis of their team possible. The site is ran by Jake Rudolph and Felix Sicard (the author of this post), hosts of the podcast formerly known as The Anaheim Calling Podcast. For past listeners of the show, fear not, the show has been migrated to Crash The Pond, and we will be even more free to provide you with the audio content you’ve come to know and (hopefully) love.

We’re not stopping there. In the uncertain, hockey-less times that we are living in, we will also aim to provide you with quality written content throughout the next few weeks. Jake has written a “Weekly Rankings” series in previous seasons, and he will be looking to continue that on in an updated format. For myself, you may have come across articles that I have written for The Fourth Period and Elite Prospects in the past. I will continue to provide my written coverage to those sites at every opportunity, but I will now be able to provide posts on a more regular basis here.

In the near future, we are aiming to bring in more guests from around the hockey world onto our show, something that was not feasible for us before. We may also get some guest contributions further down the road. All of this to say: you can expect better, and more, from us on this site. For the time being, we will strive to keep you entertained, and once hockey hopefully resumes, we will truly hit the ground running.

If you want to chat, hit us up on Twitter @CrashThePond. We’d love to hear any suggestions and topic ideas. On a final note, we wish everyone the absolute best in the months to come, and we hope to do our small part to make them a bit more bearable. Now let’s get started!

-The guys from Crash The Pond